Membership Rates

Family (husband & wife, including children under 17 years old)$100
Couple (married, not married or common law with no children in household)$100
Senior (65 years old & over)$25
Full-Time Student (18 years old & over)$25
Individuals (18 years & over; including those living with parents)$50
Non-Resident (not residing in B.C.)$50
Associate Member (must be nominated by a ZSBC member in good standing) – *subject to further approval by the ZSBC board of directors*$50

The ZSBC Membership period is from March 21st of the current year to March 20th of the following year and must be renewed annually to remain active.

ZSBC Membership Fees can be paid by cash, cheque, e-transfer or via credit card or Visa Debit on our website via PayPal. You may contact any of the board of directors listed here: to pay your fees in person.

We thank you for your continued membership with ZSBC 😊

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